Monday, January 19, 2009

Serious injury to schoolboy

In May 2008, there was a newspaper story about a mother who sued a government school in relation to serious injuries suffered by her son when he fell in school. Medical expenses were more than $10,000 but the school's insurance policy only covered $1,000 of expenses.

After a court hearing, the court ruled that the school was not to blame. As regards legal fees, in Singapore, the usual rule is that the loser pays the winner's legal fees. The judge assessed the legal fees due to the government as over $8,000. The government's lawyer, the Attorney-General's Chambers, stated that it expected the mother to pay in full although they were willing to waive any interest and to allow instalment payments.

Moral of the story - sue only if you can prove that the government department was careless in some way. No private or government school no matter how good can guarantee that your child will never be injured - or maybe it can - if it attached 10 bodyguards to your kid at any one time.

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